Is it naughty child or ADHD!


In my years of practice I have seen many expat and Chinese parents whom confuse the child’s symptoms and for many years blamed his child to be a bad or naughty child and in result child did not have chance to get psychological treatment to overcome his difficulties.  Briefly, I state below few symptoms of ADD and ADHD to help parents recognizing the problem. 

These symptoms including:
-being quite hyperactive
-loosing things easily
-fails to complete chores
-homework has many careless errors and messy
-having behavior problem
-problem with attention (easily distracted)
-problem with concentration
-problem with impulsivity (do many dangerous actions with being aware of its consequence such as crossing the road without looking)
-having difficulty waiting
-interrupt others when talking and many more
-having learning problem
Children with ADD or ADHD are quite smart but due to lack of attention and concentration stay behind which affects their self confidence causing anxiety and depression which worsen their symptoms.

To save your child’s happiness and education get psychological help for your child today! 
Take care