Down syndrome


Down syndrome is a kind of developmental disability in children. It is caused by an extra or abnormal chromosomes when the embryo is developing. This condition will affect the way brain and body develops. This syndrome will cause how child rolls, walk, stand, talk etc. Most of these children to some extent will have mental retardation. Later in life they also might have different kinds of social difficulties. Men with this problem might become sterile and woman might develop early menopause.
These children should have a complete physical examination by internal and endocrinologist to rule out congenital heart disease, thyroid disorder, lung problem, weight issue, seizure, etc.
Psychologically, person with this syndrome develop problems such as obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety, learning and behavior problems. Same as Autism, person with Down syndrome if they receive emotional support and psychological treatment/ rehabilitation earlier in life might become more independent and overcome most of their disabilities. However, this is case-by-case and depends on severity of this syndrome.
To treat DS clinical psychologist use different forms of psychological assessment as well as treatment such as behavior therapy, ABA, etc.    For more information or appointment please contact us. 
Cure is relative damage is done just like autism need very longer than autism to become more independent and overcome psychological problem. 100 percent cure for both  Longer time treatment and rehab 