Can my personality be changed?


One of our reader asked this interesting question which touches the heart of psychological treatment. Actually the answer is yes but to different extent in each person and but mostly with happy endingJ 
Actually our personality is how we think and at the result act. Personality consist of our unique way of thinking, assumption, judgment, assuming, reading others mind, thoughts, our reaction to different thing including stress, crisis, how let others treat us or we treat them and many more!
All above stored somewhere in our amazing/ great hardware of our computer “our wonderful brain!” there also other materials including our past memory of joy, pain, trauma, etc. which most of us can not remember but actually exist in it!
Close your eyes and rewind your CD of your life go back as early as you can 5 yrs old? 4yrs? 3 yrs of age?, 2 yrs? How far can you go back……as you see even you remember some experience or memory in certain young age but you can not remember all, but there are there but you can’t remember…..!
One reason for not remembering might be the system was designed may be to protect you for not remembering all past pain and make you unhappy in your adult age etc.
All above past experience or memories makes up your personality and who you are J  that’s why even siblings in one family have different personality due to their own kind of life experience…(one is optimistic, the other one is pessimistic, one has good temper other one don't’! of course our gene & brain chemistry to some extent might have some role in that too.
Different forms of Psychotherapy can help patient (if necessary go to past memory), heal and remove most of the old trauma, pain etc. and make the person free of all these which actually caused lot pain and stress in his present life. Technically we call it Shenjinzhen which almost we all have it to some degrees and cause problem in our lives…. But when becomes overwhelming we need psychotherapy to heal it!
This process can not be fast but needs few months of psychotherapy once a week to two  to take place so needs persons patience with self and therapy. At the end person no longer has to struggle with anxiety, depression, low confidence, jealousy, hatred, feeling lonely, fear, and many other troubling emotions. When this occur your personality or thinking has changed for better and happy endingJ

Wish you all peace, positive thinking and happiness J
All take care!
