Facing the golden age The Menopause phase


I was asked to write about menopause, since 18th of this month is the international day about awareness of this major change in life of all women. As human gets older he or she will and should face gradual changes in all aspect of his life specially physical and psychological. However, if woman or man face them as a new challenge and be positive about it the outcome would become tolerable, manageable and with happy ending.

Menopause is one of the facts of aging in women. The age that women face this change differs among woman of same age as well as different race. As women reach this age she start having different forms of physical and psychological difficulties. As women gets to certain age her Estrogen decreases and causes variety of physical and psychological symptoms. Of course these symptoms differs in every woman. These symptoms include: stopping menstruation, weight gain, decrease in sex drive, pain in intercourse, night sweat, tension, aggressive behavior, hot flashes, sweating, mood swing, headache, developing osteoporosis, etc. Some woman might start having some of the above symptoms even before developing full course of menopause, which is called premature menopause.

Medically, medical doctor might place the woman on hormone replacement, which also might cause different forms of complications.

Women whom are not emotionally stable before reaching the old age as well menopause might suffers much more from reaching this stage than those whom are more stable and did not have depression, anxiety, panic attack, phobia and other forms of psychological difficulties in their younger age.

As I have said before in my other articles, I believe healthy body is quite related to healthy mind and emotion. Menopause is not an exception.  Worrying about aging, cloudy future, dying etc.  won’t help you but pulls you more in despair/anxiety and would increase your symptoms tremendously. I strongly believe that more depressed or anxious you are so as your symptoms of menopause.  Therefore, do whatever not becoming caught in vicious cycle of despair and anxiety. 

Some tips to overcome some of the psychological as well as physical effect of menopause:

You need to stay active and forget retirement . By that I mean you can start the second phase of your life by choosing a hobby or new career that you can really enjoy as well making some income. Do not just stay home and watch t.v. and woryy about getting old or your grown up children’s affair,  do at least 10 minutes per day an abdominal breathing (in this form of breathing you need to have your belly move when you breath not your chest, as you inhale your belly goes outward and as you exhale the opposite. You can put one hand on your chest and other on you belly and monitor the movement, gradually you get use to it), 3 to 4 times a week do an exercise you enjoy, even better if you do it with your spouse, friend or group of friends, remain optimistic and take one day at a time, trash your negative thinking and replace with positive and happy ones, calm your heart by doing relaxation or meditation, be more generous and help others who are less fortunate than you are, become volunteer helping old and poor, take several short vacations throughout the year and enjoy the beautiful nature and seasons.  Final point is to stay busy and enjoy it too 

If your psychological symptoms are overwhelming or if you have had such problems earlier in your life you need to see clinical psychologist to help you increase your happiness  Psychotherapy has not side effects and helps you to become more empowered to take charge of your life and happiness. 

Good luck to all of you, don’t loose your happiness but loose your sadness 
